Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Summary -
Artists have employed the medium of installation to investigate the physical, functional, intellectual cultural, or institutional character of there works. Installation moves away from conventional themes of art and addresses its literal surrounding spaces. Buren invited the street in to the gallery intending to undo the idea that the space for viewing art was isolated from life. Interventions are an outgrowth of art that refuses to abide by conventional practices. Duchamp created confusion about the nature of a space, he played a behavioral game with the viewers physical movements and breaks away from conventional walls.
In the 1960s there were many assaults on conventional thinking about the past structural nature of a work of art. Frank Stellas shaped canvases suggested extension beyond the painting the works engaged with real lace and the physical space drawing the viewer in to the work . Carl Andres floor bound work is a complex situation for the viewer unnoticeable in a space but wanting the viewer to engage by walking on the work. A large change in the history of sculpture the viewer creates transgression through experience. Creates a theatrical aspect from the behavior and awareness of the self this is important to installation a site-specific art. Sculptures depending on the environment and minimal works create a relationship with there surroundings that the viewer retains memory of. Breaks out against the predictable of structures and influence spatial exploring. Richard Serra used instillation sculpture to create an internal hermetic composition of parts that must be circumnavisated to be appreciated. The spectator is surrounded in a threatening experience. Creating uncomfortable and unwanted participation.
Many questioned the exalted contexts of art changing the idolization of work exhibited in a museum to the object of criticism. Artists felt there installations stood to far apart from present daily life issues. Artists intervened with this criticism creating works were the sight is more than an accomplice to the work becoming the subject. Asher emptied the gallery of all internal walls separating the front viewing area from the rear offices for gallery business, rather than enchantment you view the hole space including the not idolized elements. Given the increasing occurrence of transcultural experiences, the art technique of installation can effectively investigate the multiple realities and points of view common to ones experiences of life.

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