Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summary---Relatins between Conceptual and Performance art.

In this artical which is written by Frazer Ward talks about the relations between the conceptual art and performance art. For the conceptual art's factions have frequently been at odds, usually over definitions and often after the fact. For the performance art can be simply defined as a form of art happens at a particular time in a particular place where the artist engage in some sort of activites  and befor an audience.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s there was considerable overlap between these categories.Here is two wroks, the first one is Ian Burn's MirrorPiece (1967) and the other one is Vito Acconci's Step Piece (1970). In these two art works it shown some relationships between the conceptual art and performance art. Also some performance art may be challenge some of limitation of the conceptual art.

The mirror piece , I think it belongs to the conceptual art,it is demanded a new kind of attention and mental participation from the viewer. To do this can let the viewer to see oneself's seeing Further, the notes explain thework in terms of the interaction between the spectator'srecognition of the mirror'snormal function
function as art, referringto the display and its "intentional"
of the mirrorwith the notes and diagrams as a concept.

The Step piece, it can be defined as a performance art work. We can simply find out that this is piece is a kind of photography of a man step on the chair. it seems like he want to performace something to the viewers.Rosalind Krauss suggested that they may be no necessary opposition  between conceptual and performance art.

To sum up this, if the works shows the desire of an embodiment that could not ground the subject of conceptual reason, they might be status as performance at once confounds that desire. However, I think any kind of arts have the relations.

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